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作者: 时间:2018-06-05 点击数:

报告题目:  Recovering an elastic obstacle containing embedded objects by the acoustic far-field measurements

报告时间:  2018671000-1100

报告地点: 数学院大会议室

报告人:   杨家青 教授 (西安交通大学)


This talk is concerned with the inverse scattering of time-harmonic acoustic waves by a three-dimensional bounded elastic obstacle which may contain embedded impenetrable obstacles inside. We propose a novel and simple technique to show that the elastic obstacle can be uniquely recovered by the acoustic far-field pattern at a fixed frequency, disregarding its contents. The method is based on constructing a well-posed modified interior transmission problem on a small domain and makes use of an a priori estimate for both the acoustic and elastic wave fields in the usual H1 -norm. In the case when there is no obstacle embedded inside the elastic body, our method gives a much simpler proof for the uniqueness result obtained previously in the literature.


报告人简介: 杨家青,西安交通大学博士生导师,2017年入选陕西省“百人计划”青年项目,2014年获得香港中文大学校聘“Research Fellowship”,2013年荣获“中国科学院百篇优秀博士学位论文奖”。先后主持国家基金项目5项,其中国家自然科学基金面上基金1项,青年基金1项,博士后特别资助1项,一等资助2项。在国内外公认的SCI数学杂志《Inverse Problems》、《SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics》、《SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences》、《Journal of Differential Equations》等发表学术论文18篇,并有多篇论文投稿。

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