报告题目:UTC and the Gary W. Rollins College of Business-Overview and Graduate Data Analytics Program
报告时间: 2018年10月16日14点30分
报告地点: 数学院大会议室
报告人: Robert Dooley 副校长
内容摘要:介绍美国美国田纳西大学(查塔努加)和Gary W. Rollins商学院,以及该校本科生的数据分析专业。
报告人简介: Dr. Robert Dooley got PhD in 1996 from University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Dr. Dooley has always been actively involved at UT Chattanooga. As an alumnus of its business program, Dr. Dooley returned to the campus in 2011 to serve as the Dean of the College of Business. He was also invited to become the interim Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs in 2018.