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刘允刚 教授学术报告

作者: 时间:2020-01-10 点击数:



 目:Tracking Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems



报告人:刘允刚 教授 (山东大学)

内容简介Output tracking, as a distinct research topic, has received much attention over the past decades. Since the signal to be tracked therein would give rise to extra time variation and/or uncertainties, output tracking cannot be simply viewed as the extension of stabilization. Also owing to this, asymptotic (output) tracking, where the tracking error ultimately vanishes, is sometimes difficult or even impossible to achieve via a continuous feedback, which compels the raising and development of practical (output) tracking (or termed -tracking or approximate tracking), where the tracking error is steered to any prescribed smallness (instead of vanishing). In this talk, we first review the control objectives of nonlinear systems. Then, we introduce the analysis and design methods of tracking controls. Finally, we present our recent result on the tracking control via adaptive output-feedback for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems.


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