部分研究论文: 1 The law of iterated logarithm of random weighting approximation for mean error—non i.i.d. situation. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Advances in Mathematics, 17(8)(1996): 741-750. 2 非参数回归函数的Kn近邻估计的渐近性质及其Bootstrap逼近,应用数学学报,2001,24(3),410-417. 3 非参数回归函数最近邻估计误差分布的随机加权逼近, 系统科学与数学,1999,19(1),39-45. 4 Bahadur’s Representation for Nearest Neighbor Median Estimates: The Fixed Design Case. Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 1999,12(2),133-144. 5 The law of iterated logarithm of random weighting approximation for distribution admitting Edgeworth expansion.Advances In Mathematics 2002,31(5),467-475. |