2000.09-2004.07 兰州大学数学与统计学院,学士
2004.09-2009.12 兰州大学数学与统计学院 ,博士, 导师:张和平教授
2008.09-2009.09 University
of Waterloo,Department of Combinatorics and OPtimization, 联合培养,导师:Professor Chris Godsil
2010.09-2013.12 云顶国际yd222,讲师
2014.01至今 云顶国际yd222,副教授
2012.01-2012.12,主持国家自然科学基金数学天元基金-若干图的Laplace谱与距离谱,项目批准号: 11126256。 (1/1)
[2] 2012.07-2015.07,主持山东省自然科学基金-图的距离谱的研究,项目批准号:ZR2012AQ022。(1/3)
[3] 2016.01-2018.12,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金- 图的距离矩阵的惯性及极端负特征值的研究,项目批准号:11501491。(1/5)
[1] X.L.Zhang,The inertia and energy of distance matrices of complete k-partite graphs,
Linear Algebra Appl. 450 (2014) 108–120. (SCI)
[2] X.L.Zhang, On
the distance spectral radius of unicyclic graphs with perfect matchings, Electronic
Journal of Linear Algebra, Volume 27 (2014) 569-587. (SCI)
[3] X.L. Zhang, C.D.Godsil, The
inertia of distance matrices of some graphs, Discrete Mathematics 313 (2013)
1655–1664. (SCI)
[4] X.L. Zhang, C.Y.Song, The
distance matrices of some graphs related to wheel graphs, Journal of Applied
Mathematics,Volume 2013, Article ID 707954, 5 pages. (SCI)
[5] X.L. Zhang , On the distance spectral radius of some graphs, Linear
Algebra Appl. 437 (2012) 1930–1941. (SCI)
[6] X.L. Zhang, C.D.Godsil,
Connectivity and minimal distance spectral radius of graphs, Linear and
Multilinear Algebra 59(2011) 745-754. (SCI)
[7] X.L. Zhang, H.P. Zhang, Some
results on Laplacian spectral radius of grahs with cut vertices, Discrete Math.
310(2010) 3494-3505. (SCI)
[8] X.L. Zhang, H.P. Zhang, Some graphs determined by their spectra,Linear Algebra
Appl. 431 (2009) 1443-1454. (SCI)
[9] X.L. Zhang, H.P. Zhang, The Laplacian spectrum of unicyclic graph
with k pendent vertices, Ars Combinatoria,Volume 90 (2009) 345-355. (SCI)
[10] X.L. Zhang, H.P. Zhang, The
Laplacian spectral radius of some bipartite graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 428
(2008) 1610-1619. (SCI)
[11] X.L.Zhang, H.Y.Yao, Fixed bonds in a class of polygonal systems, Polycyclic Aromatic
Compounds, Volume 27(2007) 95-105. (SCI)
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