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1 Finite volume element method for  monotone nonlinear  elliptic problems    
数学 毕春加   林延平   杨旻     Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 偏微分方程数值解法 2013年7月 24
2 A posteriori error estimates of discontinuous Galerkin method for nonmonotone quasi-linear elliptic problems  非单调拟线性椭圆问题的间断Galerkin方法的后验误差估计 数学 毕春加 V.Ginting Journal of Scientific Computing 科学计算 2013年6月 28
3  The iterative solutions of nonlinear fractional differential equations 非线性分数分数微分方程的迭代解 数学 Xinguang Zhang , Lishan Liu, Yonghong Wu, Yinan Lu张新光、刘立山、吴永洪、陆一楠 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2013.01 12 SCI二区
4 Boundary behavior of large solutions to quasilinear elliptic equations with a gradient term(具梯度项的拟线性椭圆型方程解的边界行为) 数学 张志军 Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 12 (2013) 1381-1392.纯粹与应用分析通讯 2013.5 12
5  The uniqueness of positive solution for a singular fractional differential system involving derivatives含有导数的奇异分数微分系统的唯一正解 数学 Xinguang Zhang, Lishan Liu, Yonghong Wu 张新光、刘立山、吴永洪 Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 2013.06 10 SCI一区
6    Complex Boundary Value Problems of Nonlinear Differential Equations: Theory, Computational Methods, and Applications,非线性微分方程复杂边值问题的理论和计算方法及其应用 数学 Xinguang Zhang, Yong Hong Wu, Dragos-Patru Covei, and Xinan Hao 张新光、吴永洪、 Dragos-Patru Covei、郝新安 Abstract and Applied Analysis,  2013.05 SCI二区
7   Extremal solutions for p-Laplacian differential systems via iterative computation, Applied Mathematics Letters 26 (2013) 1151–1158 数学 Shunjie Li, Xinguang Zhang, Yonghong Wu, Lou Caccetta 李顺杰、张新光、吴永洪、Lou Caccetta    Applied Mathematics Letters  2013.12 8 SCI二区
8 A two-grid characteristic finite volume element method for semilinear advection-dominated diffusion equations (半线性对流占优扩散方程的两重网格特征有限体积元方法) 数学 Chuanjun Chen (陈传军)            Wei Liu (刘伟)  Chunjia Bi (毕春加) Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (偏微分方程数值解法) 2013.9 8000 SCI二区收录
9 General Formulation of Second-Order Semi-Lagrangian Methods for Convection-Diffusion Problems(对流扩散问题二阶半拉格朗日方法的一般公式) 数学 Xiaohan Long(龙晓瀚)             Chuanjun Chen (陈传军 Abstract and Applied Analysis (摘要和应用分析) 2013.3 8000 SCI二区收录
10 图的邻域并和连通的[k,k+1]-因子  数学 刘红霞, 乔贵平 烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版)  2013年1月
11 图的[a,b]-因子存在性的两个结果 数学 周思中,刘红霞,徐兰 应用数学学报 2013年7月
12 Anticipated backward stochastic differential equations on Markov chains(马尔科夫链驱动的超前倒向随机微分方程) 数学 Lu Wen(吕文),Ren Yong(任永) Statistics and Probability Letters(统计与概率通信) 2013.7 6000 SCI 四区收录
13 随机退货环境下最优补货和处理控制策略 信息科学与系统科学 娄山佐,田新诚,吕文 控制与决策 2013.5 7000 EI源刊
14  On a finite group in which every non-abelian subgroup is a TI-subgroup(每个非交换子群均为TI-子群的有限群 数学 Jiangtao Shi(史江涛), Cui Zhang(张翠), Wei Meng(孟伟) Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 2013.05 5500
15 A note on 2-nilpotence of finite groups(关于有限群2-幂零性的一个注记) 数学 Jiangtao Shi(史江涛), Cui Zhang(张翠) Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-Mathematical Sciences 2013.05 3000
16 Finite groups with non-cyclic 2-subgroups which are subnormal or have small indices in their normalizers(非循环2-子群或为次正规或在其正规化子中具有较小指数的有限群 数学 Jiangtao Shi(史江涛), Cui Zhang(张翠) Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 2013.06 5500
17 Finite groups in which every subgroup is a subnormal subgroup or a TI-subgroup(每个子群为次正规子群或为TI-子群的有限群) 数学 Jiangtao Shi(史江涛), Cui Zhang(张翠)  Archiv der Mathematik 2013.08 3000
18 Finite groups with some subgroups of given order(具有某些给定阶子群的有限群 数学 Jiangtao Shi(史江涛), Cui Zhang(张翠), Dengfeng Liang(梁登峰) Algebra Colloquium 2013.09 6000
19 On the set of the numbers of conjugates of noncyclic proper subgroups of finite groups(关于有限群的非循环真子群的共轭类类长的集合) 数学 Jiangtao Shi(史江涛), Cui Zhang(张翠) The Scientific World Journal 2013.10 5500
20 POS-groups with some cyclic Sylow subgroups(具有若干循环Sylow子群的POS-群) 数学 Rulin Shen(沈如林), Wujie Shi(施武杰), Jiangtao Shi(史江涛) Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 2013.10 15000
21 Finite groups in which the centralizer of every minimal subgroup is cyclic(每个极小子群的中心化子皆循环的有限群) 数学 Jiangtao Shi(史江涛) Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 2013.06 3500
22 非幂零极大子群共轭类类数给定的有限群 数学 史江涛,张翠,申振才 数学的实践与认识 2013.04 4000
23 大学毕业生社会需求及适应性状况研究 教育学、运筹学 王宪杰 中国电力教育 2013.1 5000
24 The Kirchhoff index of weighted graphs
数学 朱庆华    王燕 InternationaJournal of Algebra 2013年6月    √
数学 常星花    高猛      王燕 Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2013年4月    √
26 Uniqueness in inverse electromagnetic conductive scattering by penetrable and inhomogeneous obstacles with a Lipschitz boundary(李普希兹边界的可穿透的非齐次传导介质反问题的唯一性) 数学 曲风龙 Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012(2012)ID306272 2012.12 SCI 二区
27 Persistence of traveling wave solutions in a bio-reactor model with strong generic delay kernels and nonlocal effect(一类具有强核非局部时滞生物模型行波解的持久性) 数学 刘乃伟,孔婷婷 Electronic Journal of Di erential Equations 2013.4 SCI 四区
28 The Distance Matrices of Some Graphs Related to Wheel Graphs (一些与轮图相关的图的距离矩阵) 数学 张小玲,宋成园 Journal of Applied Mathematics 2013.6 SCI 四区
29 The inertia of distance matrices of some graphs (一些图的距离矩阵的惯性) 数学 张小玲,Chris Godsil Discrete  Mathematics 2013.8 SCI 四区
30 Quadratic finite volume methods for elliptic and parabolic problems on quadrilateral meshes: Optimal order errors based on Barlow points 数学 杨旻,Jiangguo LiuYanping Lin IMA J. Numer.Anal 2013.11 23 SCI二区
31 Finite volume element methods: An overview of recent developments  数学 Yanping LinJiangguo Liu,杨旻 Int J. Numer. Anal. Model. B 2013.1 21
32 An identity on resistance distances (电阻距离的一个恒等式) 数学 杨玉军 Advanced Materials Research (材料研究进展) 2013.5 4
33 A recursion formula for resistance distances and its applications(电阻距离的一个递推公式及其应用) 数学 杨玉军,Douglas J. Klein Discrete Applied Mathematics (离散应用数学) 2013.11 14 SCI三区
34 The Global Cyclicity Index of Benzenoid Chains(苯链的全局圈性指标) 数学 杨玉军,王燕,李祎 Journal of Chemistry(化学杂志) 2013.1 5
35 Stability of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems With State-Dependent Switching  数学 吴昭景, Mingyue Cui ; Peng Shi ; Karimi, H.R. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control  2013.8 SCI二区
36 On stability and dissipativity of stochastic nonlinear systems  数学 吴昭景, Peng Shi ; Karimi, H.R. The 52st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Firenze, Italy,  IEEE Control System Sosiety 2013.11
37 Dissipativity of stochastic nonlinear control systems with state-dependent switching 数学 Dianfeng Zhang,吴昭景, The 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,  Hawaii, America,  IEEE Control System Sosiety 2012.12
38 Global asymptotic stability of certain third-order nonlinear differential equations 数学 张丽娟,于立新 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (应用科学中的数学方法) 2013.9
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