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序号 学科分类   刊载期刊(论文集)名称 发表时间 备注
1 The portfolio models of contained grey profit under ncertaintybu 不确定的灰收益投资组合模型 系统科学 Xi-zu Yan and Zhong-min Song 严喜祖,宋中民 Grey Systems: Theory and Application 灰色系统:理论和应用 Vol. 4 No. 3, 2014
2 Global superconvergence and a posteriori error estimates of finite element method for
 second-order quasilinear
elliptic problems
数学 毕春加
V. Ginting
Journal of
Computational and Applied
Mathematics 260, pp.78-90
2014.4 SCI二区
3 Complementary cycles in  almost regular multipartite tournaments 数学   Zhihong He,Lutz Volkmann and Yan Wang Ars Combinatoria 2014.1 SCI
4 Disjoint Cycles in Irregular Multipartite Tournaments 数学    Zhihong He International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications(JDCTA) 2014.1 EI
5 A two-grid finite element method for a second-Order nonlinear hyperbolic equation(一类二阶非线性双曲型方程的两重网格有限元方法) 数学 Chuanjun Chen (陈传军)            Wei Liu (刘伟)  Xin Zhao (赵鑫) Abstract and Applied Analysis (摘要和应用分析) 2014.3 SCI
6 一类非线性对流扩散方程两重网格特征有限元方法及误差估计 数学 陈传军  赵鑫 数学物理学报 2014.6
7 Quasi-binomial coefficients stemming from Nakayama algebras        Nakayama代数中得到的拟二项式系数 数学 侯汝臣,张光连 Science China Mathematics 2014.7 SCI
8 On global dimensions of tree type finite dimensional algebras     树形有限维代数的整体维数 数学 侯汝臣 Canadian Mathematic Bulletin 2014.12 SCI
9 Lévy过程驱动的倒向重随机Volterra积分方程的对称解 数学 刘存霞,吕文 烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版) 2014.4
10 Binding Number, Minimum Degree for Connected (g,f+1)-factors in Graphs 数学 刘红霞,刘桂真  Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing  2013.11 2013年底发表,2014年收录       
11 The Global Existence of Solutions for Two classes of Chemotaxis Models(两类趋化性模型的整体存在性) 数学 曲风龙,吴雅萍 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica English Series(应用数学学报,英文版) 2014.08 SCI
12 一类带有趋化性扩散的细菌模型一致有界解的整体存在性 数学 曲风龙,王玉泉 数学物理学报 2014.04
13 论文:Dynamic Analysis and Chaos of the 4D Fractional-Order Power System.(四维分数阶电力系统的混沌动力学分析) 数学 孙丰云 Abstract and  Applied  Analysis(抽象和应用分析) 2014.02 SCI二区
14 Anisotropic finite element  approximation for a  coupled continuum pipe-flow/Darcy model in Karst aquifers(岩溶地下水耦合模型的各向异性有限元方法) 数学 刘伟,  王智峰,李金 Computers and Mathematics with Applications(计算机与数学及应用) 2014.08 SCI二区
15 基于势函数的多智能体避撞队形控制 数学 姚立强,宋艳荣,张术东 烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版) 2014.1
16 带有领导者的多智能体避障队形控制 数学 姚立强,宋艳荣,张术东 烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版) 2014.4
17  The inertia and energy of distance matrices of complete k-partite graphs(完全k部图距离矩阵的惯性与能量) 数学 张小玲 Linear Algebra and Its Appllications 2014.07 SCI三区
18 On the distance spectral radius of unicyclic graphs with perfect matchings(有完美匹配的单圈图的距离谱半径) 数学 张小玲  Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 2014.08 SCI四区
19 Dynamics of a predator-prey system with Beddington DeAngelis functional response and delays(一类具有B—D反应及时滞的捕食食饵模型的动力学行为) 数学 刘乃伟 孔婷婷 Abstract and Applied Analysis 2014.04 SCI二区
20 Monotonicity and uniqueness of traveling waves in bistable systems with delay(一类时滞双稳系统行波解的单调性和唯一性) 数学 Yang YR 刘乃伟 Electron. J.Diff.Equ. 2014.01 SCI四区
21 The uniqueness of positive solution for a fractional order model of turbulent flow in a porous medium(一类分数阶多孔介质湍流模型解的存在和唯一性) 数学 Xinguang Zhang(张新光), Lishan Liu(刘立山), Yonghong Wu(吴永洪), Applied Mathematics Letters 37 (2014) 26–33 2014.11 SCI二区
22 The eigenvalue for a class of singular p-Laplacian fractional differential equations involving the Riemann–Stieltjes integral boundary condition(一类含 Riemann–Stieltjes积分边界条件的p-Laplacian分数微分方程的特征值) 数学 Xinguang Zhang(张新光), Lishan Liu(刘立山), Benchawan Wiwatanapataphee, Yonghong Wu(吴永洪) Applied Mathematics and Computation 235 (2014) 412–422 2014.5 SCI二区
23 Positive Solutions of a Singular Nonlocal Fractional Order Differential System via Schauder’s Fixed Point Theorem(用Schauder不动点定理求奇异非局部分数阶微分系统的正解) 数学 Xinguang Zhang(张新光), Cuiling Mao(苗翠玲), Yonghong Wu(吴永洪), Hua Su(苏华) Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2014, Article ID 457965, 8 pages 2014.6 SCI二区
24 Complex Boundary Value Problems of Nonlinear Differential Equations 2014 2014 非线性微分方程复杂边值问题) 数学 Xinguang Zhang(张新光), Yong Hong Wu(吴永洪), Dragos,-Pãtru Covei, Xinan Hao(郝新安) Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2014, Article ID 496350, 4 pages 2014.7 SCI二区
25 Positive Solutions for (n − 1, 1)-Type Singular Fractional Differential System with Coupled Integral Boundary Conditions(具有耦合积分边界条件的(n − 1, 1)型的奇异分数阶微分系统的正解) 数学 Ying Wang(王颖),  Lishan Liu(刘立山), Xinguang Zhang(张新光), Yonghong Wu(吴永洪) Abstract and Applied AnalysisVolume 2014, Article ID 142391, 14 pages 2014.1 SCI二区
26 The existence and boundary behavior of large solutions to semilinear elliptic equations with nonlinear gradient terms 数学 张志军 Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 2014; 3 (3):165–185 2014.6 SCI四区
27 The exact boundary behavior of the unique solution to a singular Dirichlet problem with a nonlinear convection term 数学 张志军,李波,李小红 Nonlinear Analysis 108 (2014) 14–28 2014.7 SCI二区
28 Finite groups in which all nonabelian subgroups are TI-subgroups(所有非交换子群皆是TI-子群的有限群) 数学 Jiangtao Shi(史江涛),Cui Zhang(张翠) Journal of Algebra and Its Applications(代数及其应用),, 2014, 13(1), 1350074 [3 pages] 2014.02 SCI四区
29 A note on TI-subgroups of a finite group(关于有限群的TI-子群的一个注记) 数学 Jiangtao Shi(史江涛),Cui Zhang(张翠) Algebra Colloquium(代数集刊), 2014, 21(2), 343-346.  2014.06 SCI四区
30 Finite groups having at most 27 non-normal proper subgroups of non-prime-power order(非正规的非素数幂阶真子群个数不超过27的有限群) 数学 Jiangtao Shi(史江涛),Cui Zhang(张翠) Glasnik Matematicki(数学信使), 2014, 49(1), 105-111.  2014.06 SCI四区
31 Finite groups with given quantitative non-nilpotent subgroups II(具有给定数量的非幂零子群的有限群II 数学 Jiangtao Shi(史江涛),Cui Zhang(张翠) Communications in Algebra(代数通讯), 2014, 42(10), 4248-4252.  2014.10 SCI四区
32 非平凡循环子群共轭类类数较小的有限非可解群 数学 史江涛,张翠 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2014, 323),52-56. 2014.09
33 A note on the normalizer of Sylow 2-subgroup of special linear group $SL_2(p^f)$(关于特殊线性群$SL_2(p^f)$的西洛2-子群的正规化子的一个注记) 数学 Jiangtao Shi (史江涛) International Journal of Group Theory(国际群论杂志), 2014, 3 (4), 33-36. 2014.12
34 Finite groups with some non-cyclic subgroups having small indices in their normalizers(某些非循环子群在其正规化子中具有较小指数的有限群) 数学 Klavdija Kutnar, Dragan Marušič, Jiangtao Shi(史江涛), Cui Zhang(张翠) Journal of Algebra and Its Applications(代数及其应用), 2014, 13 (4), 1350141 [6 pages].  2014.06 SCI四区
35 Finite groups with few vanishing elements(具有较少零化元的有限群) 数学 Jinshan Zhang(张金山), Zhencai Shen(申振才), Jiangtao Shi(史江涛)  Glasnik Matematicki(数学信使), 2014, 49 (1)83-103.  2014.06 SCI四区
36 The Kirchhoff index of subdivisions of graphs(剖分图的基尔霍夫指标) 数学 杨玉军 Discrete Applied Mathematics (离散应用数学) 2014.3 SCI
37 Relations between resistance distances of a graph and its complement or its contraction(一个图和他的补图以及收缩图的电阻距离之间的关系) 数学 杨玉军 Croatica Chemica Acta(克罗地亚化学学报) 2014.1 SCI四区
38 On a new cyclicity measure of graphs--the global cyclicity index(关于一个新的图的圈性度量-全局圈性指标) 数学 杨玉军 Discrete Applied Mathematics (离散应用数学) 2014.3 SCI
39 Comparison theorems on resistance distances and Kirchhoff indices of S, T-isomers(S,T同分异构体的电阻距离和基尔霍夫指标的比较) 数学 杨玉军,Douglas J. Klein Discrete Applied Mathematics (离散应用数学) 2014.5 SCI
40 Some bounds for the Kirchhoff index of graphs(图的基尔霍夫指标的一些界) 数学 杨玉军 Abstract and  Applied  Analysis(抽象与应用分析) 2014.6 SCI
41 Resistance distances in composite graphs(合成图的电阻距离) 数学 杨玉军,Douglas J. Klein J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. (物理A:数学及理论) 2014.8 SCI三区
42 Computing the Kirchhoff index of some xyz-transformations of regular molecular graphs(计算正则分子图的xyz-变换图的基尔霍夫指标) 数学 杨玉军 Lecture Notes in Computer Science(计算机科学讲义 2014.5 ISTP
43 Exact boundary behavior of solutions to singular nonlinear Dirichlet problems(奇异非线性狄利克雷为题的解的精确边界行为) 数学 李波,张志军 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations(电子微分方程杂志) 2014.8 SCI四区
44 Variational structure and multiple solutions for a fractional advection–dispersion equations 数学 张新光,刘立山,吴永洪 Computers and Mathematics with Applicationss(计算机和数学及其应用) 2014.12 SCI

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